To web, or not to web, that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in business to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous consultant costs or to take arms against a sea of technological doubts, and by opposing, end them.

Since recently becoming active in the LinkedIn question and answer section, I’ve seen no fewer than four questions in the span of one week asking “Do small companies need a website?” and various derivatives thereof. Most of them were asked by incredulous marketing consultants who obviously run into prospects and clients who do not have one and/or don’t feel they are necessary. My $0.02 = they are as necessary as business cards, only cheaper!

I see lots of advice from professional designers and marketing consultants about leveraging technology, search engine optimization, brand identification, consistency of message, etc… Which is true enough in many circumstances, but I feel that advice like this partially responsible for discouraging small businesses from commissioning a web site. The other (and likely far more common) reason is ignorance of just how quick, easy, and inexpensive it is these days.

Why!? Why!?
Before a discussion of exactly how quick, easy, and inexpensive it is to get a web site up and running, I can hear the “professionals” tearing clothing and ripping hair from their skulls as they scream, “Noooooo! But what about x, y, and z?!?!” Where x, y, and z represent any web design or marketing catch phrase you care to insert. I even saw one designer advise a small business owner to make sure that any designer they select does not use tables for web page layout, or they would be sorry! While there is sound theory behind this advice, it is precisely the sort of technological hyperbole and cart-before-the-horse advice that paralyzes small business owners. My short answer is, “All in due course.” But let’s get this beast domesticated right now with a little more detailed answer…
I don’t mean to make light of the legitimate points made by professional web designers and marketing consultants. They are, by and large, valid concepts that are important in the proper context. However, I think that people too frequently equate “minimally done” with “poorly done” and I submit that they are very different. With that in mind, I’ll suggest three stages of web presence that can all be done either well or poorly, but the amount of money spent will not be a factor.
Stage 1: The Online Business Card
That sounds pretty simple, right? In this stage you expect no more from your website than you would from a business card; your company’s contact information and logo along with a quick blurb about what you do and/or what your mission is. The key thing about a business card is the “leave behind” aspect; that you can give it to someone for them to reference later on. Browser bookmarks are the Internet equivalent in this case. If I want to remember your company for some reason, I’ll slap a bookmark to your website in the appropriate category.
Obviously, an online business card can be done well or poorly just like an ordinary business card (I’ve seen some pretty hideous ones). The key here is to keep it simple and visually appealing. For many companies who believe they don’t need a web site at all, this is likely about all they need. And as for that argument, I can tell you two things about my personal approach to finding something I need. First and foremost, if I can’t find it on the web then I probably won’t find it. If your product or service is not on the web, then your competitor’s probably is and you lose. Keep in mind here, I’m not talking about looking for a “high volume widget supplier” or world-class patent and trademark litigator. I’m talking about finding a plumber, dog sitter, yoga instructor, or wedding photographer. Second, if you don’t care enough about your business to have a web site, then I don’t feel like it’s a “legitimate” business. That’s just a personal bias I have, but I think it is becoming more and more common.
This stage is absolutely a “do it yourself” candidate. As an example, has a service called “Website Tonight” that gets you a hosted web site with web templates and authoring tools plus a list of features too long to list here for $4.99 per month. All of the web hosting companies offer similar products that allow you to get a web site created literally in minutes.

Stage 2: The Online Advertisement
This is the stage where a small business owner who is not a) technically savvy and (emphasis on the word “and”) b) knowledgeable in marketing will need to get some help. This is not to say that it necessarily needs to be fully outsourced and professionally designed, but it will be important to make sure that certain basic principles of web design and marketing are followed. The goal of a Stage 2 web site is to actually advertise your product(s) and/or service(s) and convince the visitor to take some follow up action.
This may or may not be a “do it yourself” situation, depending upon several factors, none the least of which are the company’s expertise as just discussed. Other factors include the complexity of the product and/or service, the volume of traffic, and technology required (if any) to deliver the message (e.g. streaming video, flash animations).

Stage 3: Launch
This final stage transitions the web site from an information server to an active lead generation and business development tool. Its goal is not just “to be” or even simply to provide a compelling call to action online. Rather, the goal is to generate an online presence that includes a web site. I’m not going to say very much about this stage for a couple of reasons. First, the whole point of this blog was that most small businesses don’t realize they only need stage one or two. Second, it’s a subject that can take up an entire (virtual) library. Third, there are many bloggers out there with much more expert advice on the matter than I could give.
In summary, I don’t accept that a simple, template-based web site is worse than no web site at all. However, that’s not to say that a poor web site is better than no web site, because I don’t believe that is true. It’s important to follow the Hippocratic Oath here; first, do no harm. Aside from the obvious advice of not making glaring mistakes (i.e. spelling, factual, copyright violations), it’s important not to bite off more than you can chew. For example, don’t put a news section on your site if you aren’t going to update it frequently. And don’t ever, under any circumstances, use the words “under construction