I held a Blogging for Business workshop earlier this week. It was a small group and we covered a lot of ground in a short amount of time. All of the attendees either hadn’t blogged before or are just getting started. Like most folks I speak with, one of their major concerns is coming up with enough blog ideas to maintain a regular schedule.
At the end of the workshop, I asked for a volunteer to take part in an experiment. I wanted to see if we could come up with at least 75 blog posts in less than 5 minutes. And we did! As a matter of fact, it only took about 3 minutes to reach that milestone. If you’re planning to blog twice a week, that’s almost nine months worth of ideas.
It worked out so well, I wanted to share it with my Inquirers this week. So without further ado, here is the list for your consideration:
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- 5-part “101” series on [core competency]
- Customer/case study of the month
- Top 3 stories of the month
- Blog-hacking
- Interview with colleagues/mentors
- Guest posts
- Seasonal posts
- Holiday posts
- Conference recaps
- Product/service reviews
- Top 5 benefits of ??
- 5 surprising facts about ??
- 5 common mistakes/misperceptions about ??
- Getting started with ??
- Hidden costs of ??
- Stuff [my professionals] say (terminology)
- Recommended reading list
- Twitter chat highlights
- State of the industry report
- Industry trends/predictions
- A day in the life
- Best practices for [core competency]
- Pros and cons of ??
- Checklist
- Frequently asked questions
I’m guessing that this list helped you come up with at least 50 ideas for posts. That’s 6 to 12 months worth of posts, depending on your blogging frequency. So get writing![/ismember]
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HubSpot creates the best unsubscribe message ever
Hubspot leads the way once again, showing us all how it’s supposed to be done. This clever unsubscribe page and video is funny and effective (at keeping the relationship warm).
Google Adds Structured Data Markup Helper Tool
Google announced this week a new, fun and useful tool to help webmasters markup their webpages with schema structured data.