How Standards Proliferate

I thought I would take a momentary break from the inbound marketing content and post something from my engineering roots – standards. I’m heavily involved with the International Society of Automation and one of their key missions is developing automation...

Institutions: What’s the Worst That Could Happen?

There are man interesting discussions happening right now concerning the International Society of Automation (ISA) and its current travails with regard to its membership, publications, and exposition.  For those not familiar with the situation, this volunteer...

ISA: One Member’s Vision

The ISA (International Society of Automation) is facing a challenging time.  As I prepare to attend the Fall Leaders’ Meeting and ISA Expo in a few days, I know that major cuts and dramatic changes are in store.  Depending upon how you look at it, I am...

Sell Scarcity, Give Away Abundance

Note: This post is part 1 of 4 in a series of posts. The parent article is “ISA: One Member’s Vision.” Many thanks to Jim Pinto for bringing this into focus for me with his recent InTech article, “Sell scarcities, not abundance.” I’ve taken the...

Build an Army Using the Long Tail

Making membership free will not, in and of itself, build an effective army. First, they must be recruited. This is where the long tail comes into play. Next, they must be equipped with the latest technology, afforded competent and inspiring leaders, and trained in...

Members as Content Providers

Note: This post is part 3 of 4 in a series of posts. The parent article is “ISA: One Member’s Vision.” Content is the fuel for this new paradigm’s engine. A wide variety of interesting, thought provoking, authoritative, and even mundane content will...