by Jon DiPietro | Mar 30, 2015 | Search Engine Marketing
For those digital marketing professionals who’ve been stranded on a desert island for the past couple of years, you may be surprised to learn that Google is launching a long-awaited algorithm update on the 21st of April. This update will be rolled out over the...
by Jon DiPietro | Mar 26, 2014 | Search Engine Marketing
[Spoiler Alert] Links. In a blog post from this past Monday, Copyblogger explained Why We’re Removing Comments on Copyblogger. It’s a smart move by some demonstrably smart marketers. They gave several perfectly good reasons why it would be a good idea for them....
by Jon DiPietro | Nov 10, 2013 | Inbound Marketing Inquirer, Search Engine Marketing
Organic Search Engine Marketing used to be so straightforward. Make sure your on-page signals (URL, title, headings, alt text, keyword density, etc.) were good and then generate back-links with optimized anchor text. Alas, those days are long gone. Google’s...
by Jon DiPietro | Mar 7, 2013 | Search Engine Marketing
This week’s radio segment on the Girard at Large program focused on Google AuthorRank and its effect on search engine optimization. Click to download in MP3 format (8.59MB)
by Jon DiPietro | Feb 22, 2013 | Search Engine Marketing
Google’s marketing team has tried (and succeeded pretty well in my opinion) to translate its Analytics product into terms we can all understand. They released a series of humerous videos that illustrate some of the outrageous hoops website owners expect their...
by Jon DiPietro | Feb 22, 2013 | Search Engine Marketing
British flower vendor Interflora was assessed a Google death penalty this week. Google hasn’t commented publicly about the reason but there has been some good sleuthing done that provides some good insight and likely causes. From all appearances, it does not...